Do you maintain supportive and diverse relationships? Relationships are the central part of life and also the hardest part of life. Yet our schools teach us a minimum of 13 years of English and Math but nothing about relationships and how to make them work.
If your parents educated you about how to have healthy, honest, and authentic personal and professional relationships with people from all walks of life, then you are indeed blessed. Actually, no person can give you all the recipes there, even parents can only set you up with basics. Because much depends on your character and your individual circumstances. Relationships are a necessary part of healthy and successful living. Healthy relationships enrich your live and add to your enjoyment of being alive. Do you:
-Take the time to reply to personal correspondence? e.g. schedule quality time every week to follow up with friends/family.
– Schedule regular time with treasured people in your life? e.g. date night with a special person/friend.
– Ask for help when you need it? e.g. phone a friend or have a working bee.
– Have healthy working hours? e.g. arriving and leaving work at reasonable times?
– End relationships that no longer serve you? e.g. reduce your Facebook friends.
– Attend functions where you can meet new people? e.g. party or ‘meet up’ event.
And don’t forget, the relationship you can always boost up is the one you have with yourself.