Your Wellbeing Questions
Health and Wellness Coach

Your Wellbeing Questions

Previous clients have benefited from having a free 20 minute chat to first address any queries and find out whether we are a good fit. I highly recommend it, please do. Click the navy blue “BOOK AN INTRODUCTION CHAT” button, above and get started today. Nothing ventured, nothing learnt – I say.

Wellness is an active process that considers a person’s emotional, physical, mental and spiritual state to achieve a balanced – happy and healthy – life.  The National Wellness Institute of Australia defines wellness as “our physical, social, emotional, work, spiritual values, and intellectual lives, along with our cultural values, environment and finances all impact upon each other and our overall balance – our wellness.”

Wellness is an evolving process of change and growth that enables optimal living, relative to an individual. 

Yes. Wellness is fundamental to living a healthy, happy life. Our wellness directly affects our emotions, actions and the ability to manage and be resilient to the challenges of contemporary society.

Yes. The Wellness Coaching Model is based on elements of Coaching Psychology, Neuroscience, The Behaviour Change Model, Mindfulness, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Positive Psychology, Self Determination Theory and the Strengths-Based Approach.

Most people need to work with someone to provide an unbiased, objective perspective on the way they are living their life. We are all too consumed by our lives and own selves to effectively review or own behaviours. 

It enables people to self-discover by an active learning process, which facilitates people to self-determine their own personal wellness goals. Rather than being told, demanded or prescribed to do something that they don’t want to be do. When people are told what to do, and they don’t want to do it, it can be an additional barrier for them to achieve their optimal wellness

Wellness is everywhere. Peoples personal wellness is highly sought after. Undertaking Wellness Coaching is an integral step to successfully achieve optimal wellness. Wellness coaching has become a transformational force in the preventative healthcare sector. Evidence based success of it continues to grow. It is enabling healthy behaviour change to combat the escalating prevalence of lifestyle illnesses.

In 2013, a review by Wolever and colleagues confirmed that Wellness Coaching is a healthcare professional trained in behaviour change theory, motivational strategies and communication techniques, which are used to guide people to develop intrinsic motivation and obtain skills to create sustainable change for improved health and wellbeing.

Michelle is an accredited HCANZA Health and Wellness Coach, with a degree in Public Health majoring in Health Promotion. In additional to this Michelle is often referred to as a Life Coach, Wellness Life Coach, Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Transformation Coach, Wellbeing Coach, Byron Bay Wellness Coach and Holistic Health and Wellness Coach. Regardless of the title Michelle takes a whole-person approach, providing realistic solutions that can fit into any busy schedule. But the results are the same, a healthier, happier life. People living their best life. Call, talk  to me to find out about your next wellbeing program or wellbeing consultation and transformation journey.