When did you last switch off? The most challenging part of switching off is taking the very first step of simply stopping. So how do we really take that first step and stop? First, you need to recognise the need to stop, ideally before you burn out, if you’re not already. If your car breaks down on the way to work, most people find that they are able to make instant changes to their busy work/life schedule to fix it. So why don’t we do it for our own sustainable wellbeing? Why can we easily service our car and not ourselves?
I coined this quote “You can’t pour from an empty coffee pot, you need to take care of yourself first”.
If you are wanting to stop and have some fundamental wellness time for you, to recharge or to have the time to be “present”, with some big, deep slow breathing for five minutes, then block out the time and do it. Change your schedule, say no to a few things or take yourself off to a location where no one can contact you. Give yourself a break, even if it’s only for 15 minutes. I do this most mornings, (or evenings). It’s my wellness time, being in nature, connecting to me, some self care nurturing, and it’s mandatory I don’t have my mobile phone with me. Change your life, by changing your schedule, try it today. I highly recommend it.